

The UK Nationals is the UK’s premier event for Malifaux, and also attracts international players, making it the largest Malifaux tournament in the world.

In 2025 we will be returning to Leicester. There will be a few improvements and we can increase capacity to 120 players.

The tournament will take place over the weekend 15/16th November 2025, and further details will be available in April.

UK Malifaux events promote a friendly environment and welcome players of all abilities, and the UK Nationals is no exception.

In addition the Avatar of Artistry, a premium painting competition on the Sunday, will return.

We also aim to raise money for charity, and will again be supporting Willen Hospice.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me directly or via the Malifaux UK Nationals facebook page.

David Brown

aka Clousseau
