
Updated Rulespack

The rulespack has been updated to clarify ticket timing, applicable Gaining Grounds, event timing and a few other minor updates.

The rulespack can be accessed via the Event page.


Pop Up Store On Site

We are pleased to announce that Rampage Games will again have a pop-up store at the venue where you can collect orders or purchase the stock available.

Rampage Games sell a number of game systems, including Malifaux, alongside a range of markers & tokens and storage solutions.

They will also be supporting the various raffles.


Wayland Games Supports UKN23

Wayland Games has again committed to supporting the event. They have already provided some ‘Miss’ models for the tombola, and will also be providing some items for the raffles.

Wayland Games not only supplies a number of game systems, including Malifaux, but also has a wide range of hobby products including the Warforge buildings range.


Player Analysis

With 89 tickets sold so far it’s interesting to see where players are coming from compared to last year.

There is a big increase in players from England, reflecting a growth in the game here, but still expecting more players from Scotland & Wales.

Overseas player numbers are down, but still hoping for representatives from Hungary, Finland, France and Norway. All welcome of course.

There is still time to buy your ticket, but I’ll be finalising numbers at the end of September in terms of freebies.